Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Capoeira Flashmob
The idea is to film it then use the footage as promotional tool on youtube, vimeo, flickr etc
If anyone has any ideas or contacts (filming, PR etc), get back to me asap.
PS of course we also need performers for this event.
Thursday, 11 March 2010
song lyric: o meu berimbau
resp: o meu beimbau (repeat every line after caller until gap)
quero jogar
meu camara
a vida virou
estou aqui
para jogar
para mostrar
o que meu mestre me ensinou, o malando mabou me chamar
pra jogar capoeira na beira do mar
o malando mandou me chamar
pra jogar capoeira na beira do mar
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
song lyric - foi na Bahia que eu mandei...
Foi na Bahia que eu mandei preparar
meu patua meu pai, meu patua
meu patua para me proteger
It was in Bahia that I ordered to be made prepare
my good luck charm, my father........ protect me
song lyric - mundo enganador
e um berimbau maneiro que eu ganhei do mau avo
it's not money, it's not gold, nor is it silver,
it's a wicked berimbau which i got from my grandad
song lyric - Foi na beria do mar
Aprendi a jogar capoeira da angola na beira do mar
t'was beside the sea so it was
i learnt how to play capoeira angola by the side of the sea
song lyric - e de io io
e de ia ia
Capoeira da Angola jogada na beria do mar
capoeira Angola is played by the side of the sea
song lyric - Berimbau ta tocando
vai ter jogo de angola,
vai ter jogo de dentro
vai ter jogo de fora
berimbau is playing,
you're gonna have a game of angola
you're gonna have a game of inside
you're gonna have a game of outside
song lyric - a mare ta cheia io io
a mare ta cheia ia ia
(The tide is high)
Repeat for choros
Call: de mare de mare
Response: Vou pra ilha de mare
(I'm going to Mare island)
Call: A mare desceu
(The tide has dropped)
Response: desce mare
Call: a mare subiu
(the ide has risen)
resp: sobe mare
Acrobatics workshop this sunday March 14
Swallows of Helston
visit web site for more info.
Thursday, 4 March 2010
Events: March 6&7

Saturday, March 6: Afternoon roda: 2-3pm (Care home)
King Charles Court, Malborough Rd, Falmouth, TR11 3LR
Saturday, March 6: Evening roda: 7-9pm (Brazilian party)
Archbishop Benson Primary School, Bodmin Rd, Truro, TR1 1BN
Both of these venues are donating £50 to the community, so please come along and help to generate income for Jinga Communities.
Sunday, March 7: Monthly community roda and samba event
King Charles Church Hall, New St, Falmouth (behind King's Head Pub & King Charles church)
3-4:30pm - Samba drumming workshop (lead by Ben Ford of Haylestorm) - £3ea
4:30-6pm - Community roda, everyone welcome to play or watch - voluntary contribution to hall hire costs.
Enquries: Contact Canguru - 07870 167 974
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Jingafest May 21-23 confirmed
The main event on Saturday afternoon will be free: 3-6pm. Workshops will be based in King Charles Church Hall, New St, Falmouth on:
21st, Friday eve 6:30-9pm
22nd, Sat: 11am-3pm w/lunchbreak
23rd, 11am-4pm (w/ street/beach roda)
The Saturday night party will be from 8pm (venue tbc).
Total price (tbc)
If you have any ideas to make the event go with a swing, we'd love to hear them. Contact the Jingafest committee here or thru our Facebook Fan Page.
Muito Axe e energia boa
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
Song lyric - e bisouro
(when i die bury me in the Lapa [famous neighbourhood in Rio])
Calca culote palito amolfadinha
(with my special coulote trousers and my mouldy old suit)
Adeus Bahia zum zum zum cordao de ouro,
(goodbye Bahia, belt of gold [much-covetted prize in capoeira comps in 1960s Brazil)
eu vou partir porque martaram meu bisouro
(I'm gonna leave becuase they killed my Bisouro [a famous capoeirista...if you want o know more google him])
testing.... um dois tres
....I had the idea to start a blog a week ago after a marketing i thought i'd start here, with an free, external blog, before embedding one on in case it got a bit messy.
WHY BLOG? 'put yourself out there man'.
I wanted a neutral platform to communicate with all the stakeholders of Jinga Communities, somewhere quiet, well away from the 'noise' of facebook etc.
Everyone has an email, but not everyone wants to be bombarded with messages. this way you can chose to view it -or not - without having to sift thru a load of rubbish.
if you see a blog alert from '' you know exactly who it is.
By the way, stakeholders are you: my students, parents of students, teachers, sports co-ordinators, business owners, funders, other interested members of the public...anyone with an interest in what we're doing at jinga. let's suck it and see...that's often the only way.....and pls let me know if this works for you.
valeu, Canguru